Monday, 15 November 2010

Paul's Birthday Card

Card I made for Pauls birthday my sisters boyfriend

Aunty Francis's birthday card

The easil card I made for her

Aunty Francis's 90th birthday party

Went to Aunty Francis's birthday party back in September. Went with my Sister and boyfriend, girls were working. Met lots of family members we haven't seen for ages, you only seem to see them at sad times so this was lovely. Francis is the only Aunty left now on dads side . Is'nt she looking good for 90 years young. At the party the youngest was just 3 weeks, and lots in between, Had a good time chatting to cousins and meeting their children who also have children.

Aunty Francis's 90th birthday Party

Aunty Francis with some of her grandchildren

Graphicus Weekend

Had a lovely time at Blackwell Grange in Darlington with lots of lovely ladies, some we met last year also some new faces, the graphicus team were brill and made the weekend. Went with 2 friends Debbie and Maureen. All we did all weekend was craft, eat, drink, sleep what more can a crafter want. Will add more photos when finished them.

Graphcus Weekend